To date, four rounds of public consultations have been undertaken by the NDP Steering Group. In February 2020, two public meetings were held to identify the planning-related themes and issues that are of particular concern to residents in the parish. In late 2020 /...
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Residents Questionnaire: April 2022
Massive thanks to all those who completed the Residents Questionnaire. We had a great response - over 300 people filled in the questionnaire! Preliminary results were presented at the Public Meeting held on 12th May 2022. A full report of the survey results will be...
Housing Need Survey Report
St Goran is currently preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which will provide the evidence to set out local planning policies for the parish. In preparing this plan it is very important to understand what housing is required to meet the local needs of the...
St Goran Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan
St. Goran Parish Council has appointed a Group of volunteers to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan for our area. The contents of the Plan will reflect the community’s views on how our Parish should develop into the future including the location, quantity, type...